The Spring semester was one to remember. Lambda beta 1000 was initiated. At the end of the semester, we were 92 active brothers strong. You count that we'll be an one hundred man chapter by the end of the school year.
Let's give a full recap of last semester and start from the beginning:
We were proud to unveil the restored 1974 composite to the active chapter. Over the roughly 50 years we've been on campus, many of our composites have gone missing or have been damaged. The restoration of the 1974 composite is our chapter's first success story in attempting to restore our grand history.
We are so thankful to all of the alumni that helped make this possible and are proud to say that this composite restoration is just the first of many to come.
The 1974 composite is now back where it belongs at home, inside the walls of the residence found at 163 West Main St.
Initiation followed shortly thereafter the unveiling of the 1974 composite. Man, initiation really was a big day for our chapter's history. As stated before we have reached the unbelievable milestone of initiating our 1000th brother. Below you can see Lambda Beta 1000 himself, Dylan Smith, sign his name into our grand history forever.
In total, we initiated 16 fine young men into our chapter's bond. Please welcome the following brothers to our chapter:
Joseph Jefferson, ΛB 999
Dylan Smith, ΛB 1000
Kilian Teschko, ΛB 1001
Tyler Wojcik, ΛB 1002
Jesse Rinaldi, ΛB 1003
Tyler Moore, ΛB 1004
Justin Drzal, ΛB 1005
Brendan Clark, ΛB 1006
Matthew Moser, ΛB 1007
Richard Faull, ΛB 1008
Anthony Apostolico, ΛB 1009
Andrew Markey, ΛB 1010
Tyler Kane, ΛB 1011
Jacob Ray, ΛB 1012
Nicholas DiPaola, ΛB 1013
Nicholas Semple, ΛB 1014
During initiation we were also proud to present our second restoration project, once again due to some of our amazing alum. The 1965 composite now stands tall in our chapter room where it belongs!
So far, all great news right? Far from enough for us, though. We were proud to represent Lambda Beta in the final round of National's March Madness philanthropy event. In our endeavors, we were able to raise over 50,000 pounds of food for those in need within the state of Delaware.
we also had some fun at the beach! Our annual formal gets better every year.
So what about this year?
Well, it turns out we are in store for an even bigger semester.
The date has been set for our 50th anniversary. 50 amazing years at the University of Delaware. It's time to celebrate. We will be having a banquet on December 5th, 2015 to honor each and every brother that has made this historic moment possible.
For more information, you can join the event on facebook or contact Lyman Chen or Christopher Mule. You can reach Christopher, our High Rho, at
You can also click this link to register for the event now.